A previously enslaved race must be the first to capture any new form of money. The creators of the new form of money must blockchain & tokenize the common person and form a global political party post haste and declare war on the privileged sons and daughters of the original enslavers and colonizers for they live in lore of re-enslavement
The creators must have a global travel blockchain and anchor coin that is backed by the financial muscle that is the US
A modern day political party must be digitize, weaponize, monetize, mechanize, tokenize, blockchain, self-funding and cryptostrong to conquer the emerging unchartered waters of the digital era. Your political party is the tour operator of your life.
Politics in America is currently controlled by corporate interests. History demands that the Democratic Party evolve with current social and economic realities to stay relevant.
Today, fellow Progressives, we declare ourselves corporations with the formation of TIP Political Party, "Yang will do the MATH"!
TIPNATION Advocates For:
Workers Rights, Including:
Fair compensation and salaries that guarantee a basic standard of living for all full-time workers
Privacy, safety, and freedom from discrimination
Health insurance
Safe workplaces
The ability to stand up for their rights, join trade unions independent of government and employer influence, and to collectively bargain
Gun Control
Universal Single Payer Health Care
Increasing Supreme Court from Nine to Eleven Justices
Cannabis Legalization
Free Education from Pre-K to College
Full Reproductive Rights for Women
Amnesty and a Path to Citizenship for All Immigrants
Building a Cyber Wall and Supporting ICE
Eradicating Private Prisons
Reforming Our Criminal Justice and Bail System
Mandatory rehabilitation for all prisoners
Removing the phase “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” from the 13th Amendment
Abolishing the death penalty
Removing All Confederate Monuments from Public Lands
Abolish Electoral College
Affordable Housing for Low-Wage Workers
De-Escalation of our Military Industrial Complex
Guaranteed Basic Income
Full Universal Rights for LGBTQ People
Re-entering the Paris Climate Agreement
Creating Good-Paying Clean Energy Jobs
Making the Wealthy Pay their Fair Share of Taxes
Civil Rights and Equality for All, Regardless of Race, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation or Ability
Protecting Voting Rights
Supporting Veterans, including:
Reducing unemployment among veterans
Ensuring that veterans are screened and properly treated for PTSD
Eliminating the backlog of 1.2 million claims at the Veterans Administration
Streamlining the Visa Process for International Visitors
Streamlining and Reducing Cost for U.S. Passports
Statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, DC
Individual Rights and Freedoms, Including:
Banning government agencies from denying people the right to rent out rooms in their homes
Decriminalizing prostitution.
Eliminating student loan debt
Increase teachers pay nationwide
We'll pay for it by rescinding Trump's 1.5 Trillion dollars tax cut, increasing the corporate tax rate, implementing a federal tax on revenue from cannabis and hemp-related products, reducing the prison population by 1.2 million people convicted for nonviolent drug and other low-level offenses and by cutting the military budget.