TIPNATION.NYC supplements, amplifies and monetizes existing social movements
Our team creates compelling content, visuals and a synergized strategy to allow for strong social media outreach.
Comprehensive political and economic power, to allow for genuine societal good, are our ultimate goals. It is self-evident that both the US, and ultimately the world, needs one political party that specializes in Universal Basic Income (UBI), a rock-solid commitment to taking on climate change and a laser-focus on a tourism recovery in the global post-COVID landscape.
The US in particular yearns for the innovation of
AOC’s 1.5 million strong Climate and Tourism Corps and Andrew Yang’s 2KUBI.
It's as straight-forward as this – the political party that holds exclusive sway over the $8.8 trillion-dollar (current) Jim Crow travel industry holds sway over the post-COVID planet. Further, that party needs to be progressive, naturally, and to be based in NYC – the stand-out world city.
Tour operators, other world class cities such as Tokyo, Toronto and London, politicians and their political parties have to evolve in the digital era or perish. It is that simple. We shall rise up and capture what is now rightfully ours – that $8.8 trillion dollar “crippled” travel industry on our emerging global travel in peace blockchain.
As ever, Yang will do the math. Technology and the COVID pandemic have already catastrophically disrupted both travel and politics. In the Great COVID and MonkeyPox Recovery Era, we want to take those to the next
level altogether and beyond.
Fellow New Yorkers, we are launching our generation’s CYBER Montgomery Bus Boycott and South African style Apartheid Embargo.
Our #FeelThePainBoy boycott is designed to block tourism to Red States, cripple their trillion-dollar tourism industries, redirect that money into progressive cities and states, boost our economy and unite Progressives and the world against oppression. This boycott will give us, the people, leverage over the outcome, as well as over the fascists, racists and the Alt Right.
TIP Political Party has been preparing for our generation’s critical cultural war, patiently biding its time and growing in strength, off the radar of mainstream political America. Until now. Black Americans are not going to accept Bloomberg’s Stop and Frisk reign of terror via sellout turncoat, NYC Mayor Eric Adams.
This time we are prepared to fight back. We will shut down pandemic traumatized NYC, starting with the MTA, and we will also declare NYC an “apartheid” city to paralyze their billion-dollar convention business. We must resist and recall Eric Adams as a priority.
United, we will not allow Eric Adams to become Black America’s Hitler. Let there be no doubt, Stop and Frisk is a declaration of war
on the basic human rights of law abiding Black and Brown Americans by Eric Adams and his Democrat backers.
Progressives! We are done with fighting a cyber opponent with WWII / Biden tactics. It is now as clear as day – Biden and Jim Crow Democrats are also our mortal enemies. Biden and the Democrats truly are lame ducks. Look at their dismal attempt at eradicating the racist filibuster, torpedoed effortlessly by Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, much to the glee of the GOP. Also, the rise of the King of Stop and Frisk, Eric Adams, is nothing more than a feeble-minded attempt by Jim Crow Democrats to establish neo-colonialism in NYC and then every urban city in the US.
Meanwhile, their White corporate backers want to see predominantly Black and Brown men in the Wall Street funded prisons of Biden and Bloomberg.
They see us as their generational free labor. Fellow New Yorkers, we have previously declared ourselves corporations with the formation of TIPBNB, America's first self-funding big tech political party. That enables us to claim our rightful place in the sun of that $8.8 trillion dollar travel industry. Let it be known and clear to all – Bloomberg and Biden are frauds. Their claims to be the masters of Progressive politicians is a sham. So it is then that we, as genuine Progressives, find ourselves at a technological crossroads. We need to choose the route that allows for the migration of 47 million African Americans and 55 million Hispanics from the Democrats Jim Crow plantation to our own digital metaverse political big house.
The pandemic and the latest technology will be our game changers and we very much intend to use them to our full advantage. Never forget, thousands of Black and Brown veterans who went to war for the cities and country that we love demand that we should have the right to “Travel in Peace”.
For too long, bigoted White America has been shutting down Black and Brown businesses and blackballing our good characters. They refuse to hire us into good paying jobs, often when we are the more qualified candidates. That same White America butchered unemployment benefit and rent protection during a catastrophic global pandemic. That in turn, sadly, has led to an uptick in crime.
That should come as a surprise to no-one as millions of law-abiding New Yorkers and Americans have suddenly found themselves unemployed and with no source of income. Yet still, NYC remains a bastion of peace and solidarity. In 1980, the city saw 1,814 homicides. By 2020, that number had fallen to 462 murders and that is in a city with a population of 8.65 million people. That alone speaks volumes.
In 2022 and beyond, digital Black and Brown will fight their own political battles and elect our own presidents. Never forget the words of Malcom X:
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative.
So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man."
We now only listen to the hallowed call of our ancestors.